BPS Blitar title " Socialization ECONOMIC CENSUS 2016 " - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Blitar Regency

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To get statistical data for Blitar Regency please come to the Integrated Statistics Service BPS Kabupaten Blitar Jl. Manukwari, Satrean Village, Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency - East Java, Indonesia, 66171, Email: bps3505@bps.go.id . every weekday at 08.00 to 15.30 WIB.

BPS Blitar title " Socialization ECONOMIC CENSUS 2016 "

BPS Blitar title " Socialization ECONOMIC CENSUS 2016 "

December 15, 2015 | Other Activities

2016 Economic Census Dissemination Seminar Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Blitar has been held at the Prime Blitar District Government on December 15, 2015 last. The event was attended by 50 participants comprising of offices / agencies, district se Blitar economic players such as banks, companies, associations, managers of the centers of economic activity such as markets, state-owned companies / enterprises / Persero and economic units other. Socialization opened Blitar Regent represented by two Assistant Economic Affairs and Development (Mr. Suwandito).
In his speech, Mr. Regent of Blitar told among other things that fit Amanah Law 6 of 1960 on Censuses and Law Number 7 of 1960 on Statistics was amended by Law No. 16 Tanhun 1997 on Statistics, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) every 10 years is obliged to carry out economic census, the Census of Agriculture and Census of Population. Economic Census in Indonesia has executed three times, namely in 1986, 1996 and 2006. The economic census to be held in 2016 is the fourth economic census.

To facilitate the implementation of the Economic Census 2016 ( SE2016 ) in Blitar begins with important activities , namely SE2016 Dissemination Seminar on this day . The next activity , starting early in 2016 in a row will be the recruitment of census officers , training officers, as well as at its peak is logging company / business (listing SE2016 ), which was held on 1-31 May of 2016 .

Based on the results of Economic Census in 1996 the number of companies / businesses in Blitar ( excluding agriculture ) of 132 723 business units , and in 2006 as many as 136 415 businesses . Means Blitar during the period of 10 -year census period increased by only 3,692 business units ( 2.78% ) registering an average growth companies / businesses around 0.27 percent per year . The number of companies in East Java based SE2006 many as 4,211,541 units with an average business growth of enterprise / business amounted to 1.90 percent per year.

Based on the results of Economic Census in 1996 the number of companies / businesses in Blitar (excluding agriculture) of 132 723 business units, and in 2006 as many as 136 415 businesses. Means Blitar during the period of 10-year census period increased by only 3,692 business units (2.78%) registering an average growth companies / businesses around 0.27 percent per year. The number of companies in East Java based SE2006 many as 4,211,541 units with an average business growth of enterprise / business amounted to 1.90 percent per year.
In the economic structure of Blitar, the role of the economy outside of agriculture (non-farm) in the formation of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2014 reached 64.14 percent. In 2014, the total value of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Blitar Rp. 24.13 trillion, while the total GDP of East Java province reached Rp.1.220,21 trillion, or in other words that the role of the economy in Blitar, East Java on the economy of 1.57 percent.
Blitar Regent also mensitir statement of Mr. President on television programs Mata Najwa October 21, 2015, titled "Behind the Palace Walls", he stated that the statistical data that we present should be objective and photographing the real conditions that occur in the field. Should not be "the boss happy" for that I appealed to the data sector in the form of secondary data provided to BPS for various statistical purposes such as Blitar in Figures, Calculation of Gross Regional Domestic Product, counting Difficulty Index Geographic village, and a variety of economic and social indicators more so given the objective data as it is, so that the information provided useful and appropriate for the planning and evaluation of materials development.
Lastly Regent appealed, to all companies or entrepreneurs outside the agricultural sector whether incorporated or not incorporated, either company / micro, small, medium, and large in order to receive and assist officers statistics or census officers by giving the right answer in May 2016.
2016 Economic Census Dissemination Seminar Blitar presents two speakers, namely the Head of BPS Blitar and Chairman of SME Blitar.
In his presentation, the Head of BPS Blitar Sunaryo, MSi, said that preparations for 2016 economic census has been conducted since 2014 among other updates (updates) maps of the area and the presence of companies featured in the map of census blocks. So it could be easier in the future census. Also conducted several studies activities, which partly involves BPS Province and City / Regency.
Furthermore, he said that the general purpose 2016 Economic Census is to collect and present the basic data across many economic activities, except agriculture, as the basis for policy formulation, planning and evaluation of development. Meanwhile, a special purpose Economic Census 2016, it aims to provide a complete picture of the level and structure of the economy, to obtain basic information that covers all sectors of the economy, knowing the character of business in Indonesia and determine the competitiveness of businesses in Indonesia, including in Blitar.
Plan activities economic census in 2016, covering publicity / dissemination massive economic census in 2016 in January to peak activity census in 2016, the recruitment officer in February 2016, training of prospective officers from March to April 2016, the peak execution listings or pendaftaraan business economic census in 2016 on the 1st -31 May. Furthermore, the processing of 2016 economic census conducted in May-June 2016, a post enumeration survey (PES), rehearsal enumeration UMK / UMB and MSE 2016 procurement data collection instrument.
Sunaryo estimate on Economic Census 2016, the officer will record about 140 thousands or more businesses. Officers will be deployed in the next census of approximately 1,474 field personnel officer, "he explained.
SE2016 will record all business activities in Blitar, ranging from small and medium micro enterprises (SMEs) to large scale. SE2016 will provide a comprehensive portrait of the latest achievements and progress related to national economic development, provincial and district / city, "he added.
We expect the support of all stakeholders (Stakeholders) especially Blitar District Government that the Economic Census 2016 will run smoothly and successfully.
Two speakers to the Chairman of SME Blitar, the Supreme Hidayanto, MT deliver his presentation on "The Importance of Documenting Business To Business Development and Competitiveness".
MSMEs in Blitar is unique and innovative in terms of potential natural, segmented, from a competitive point (diversification), orderly legality, moving together as a group / community. Blitar SME community has its own container, among others, the SME Forum, Dekranasda, ASPAMIN, Putri Kencana, Intelligent Rice Association, the Association Batik, Goat Breeders Association, etc. Community destinations, Home Mushroom Indonesia, Jenang village, Kampung Chocolate, Pottery village, Kampung chips, Kampung Tiwul, Wedus village, Kampung catfish and Tourism Village. SME Business Communication Forum consisting of academics / professionals, local government / parliament, Investor / Markets, Banking, and CSR.
Chairman Blitar SMEs represent business communities support through the activities of non-agricultural SE2016 to see the basic structure by applying transformation rules, thus determining the development policy strategy efforts to increase competitiveness, as well as to monitoring and evaluation of mentoring / follow-up plan). Furthermore, the Supreme Hidayanto deliver, in addition to the support of businesses to provide good data and correct, cooperative, communicative, innovative, has a vision of developing long-term, also needed the support of stakeholders namely; Local Government, Parliament, communities, academics, CSR, banking to: 1) Memfasilisitasi interests of businesses (Licensing, Packing, Infra structure, Capital, Markets); 2) Creating a strategic policy and siding to businesses; 3) Collaborate to create comfort, conducive business environment, protection of business, support training, promotion, establishes partnerships and harmonization of efforts; 4) assistance, monitoring, and evaluation; 5) Directing and strengthen communities, forums, associations, for more koordinatof, communicative and legal
(Joko Suwarsono, December 15, 2015).


Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten BlitarJl. Manukwari 

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Kecamatan Kanigoro

Kabupaten Blitar - Jawa Timur



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