Sutojayan Subdistrict in Figures 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Blitar Regency

"Blitar Regency in Figures 2024 has been released and can be accessed here. To get statistical data for Blitar Regency please come to the Integrated Statistics Service BPS Kabupaten Blitar Jl. Manukwari, Satrean Village, Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency - East Java, Indonesia, 66171, Email: . every weekday at 08.00 to 15.30 WIB.

To get statistical data for Blitar Regency please come to the Integrated Statistics Service BPS Kabupaten Blitar Jl. Manukwari, Satrean Village, Kanigoro District, Blitar Regency - East Java, Indonesia, 66171, Email: . every weekday at 08.00 to 15.30 WIB.

Sutojayan Subdistrict in Figures 2017

Catalog Number : 1102001.3505060
Publication Number : 35050.1709
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : September 20, 2017
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3 MB


Sutojayan Sub-district In Figures 2017 is an annual publication published periodically by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Blitar Regency. This publication is intended to provide an overview of the development of Sutojayan Sub-district in general covering geography and climate, government, population, social, agriculture, industry, trade, transportation, finance, and some supplement data. The data presented in this publication is not much different from the previous year`s publication and always cultivated data continuity. By presenting the last few years both the data compiled directly (primary data) as well as data cited from administration agencies / agencies / government agencies and private (secondary data).
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten BlitarJl. Manukwari 

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Kabupaten Blitar - Jawa Timur



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